May 26, 2022 at 2:42 PMadmin

Tiaano ventured and developed an Electrolytic Multipurpose Household sanitizer Generator (T-CLOR) This is hand held / desk-top, In-Situ sanitizer generator for easy travel. This self-made disinfectant is safe and harmless, can be used in multifunctional household sanitization.  It is named as HOCl or Ionized water or Sterilized water or Neutralized water. HOCl is environment friendly, non-toxic and harmless disinfectant; an organic based and non-chemical disinfectant, produced in 20 minutes by using brine (mix of edible salt, vinegar and tap water) ionization.

The ratio of dilution (PPM) will be varied depends the application.  Also it kills bacteria, which are obstructing the harvesting / growth of plantation / gardening / irrigation. This can be used as disinfectant in,


  • Potable Water
  • Tunnel
  • Floor
  • Class Room
  • Furniture
  • All kinds of Hospital usage
  • Gardening
  • Kitchen
  • Vegetable Chopper
  • Meat Wash
  • Fish Wash etc.


Our web link www.tiaanostore.in/tclor.aspx  for datasheet and the price.

Contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLIL5x4UlJM  



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Posted in: HOCL Solution | sanitizer | TCLOR | TCLOR Stickers

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May 25, 2022 at 2:28 PMadmin

Tiaano ventured and developed an Electrolytic Multipurpose Household sanitizer Generator (T-CLOR) this is hand held / desk-top, In-Situ sanitizer generator for easy travel. This self-made disinfectant is safe and harmless, can be used in multifunctional household sanitization.  It is named as HOCl or Ionized water or sterilized water or neutralized water. HOCl is environment friendly, non-toxic and harmless disinfectant; an organic based and non-chemical disinfectant, produced in 20 minutes by using brine (mix of edible salt, vinegar and tap water) ionization.

The product description:

Hypochlorous is an eco-accommodating electrolyzed water generator. Its cleaning impacts killing microbes and microorganisms have been demonstrated in a wide scope of clinical applications. The Hypochlorous corrosive generator creates an eco-accommodating and progressive sanitizer that is a lot more secure than the customary substance specialists and can be helpfully utilized in a wide assortment of uses.

Hypochlorous Acid

Application scope:

  • Potable Water
  • Tunnel
  • Floor
  • Class Room
  • Furniture
  • All kinds of Hospital usage
  • Gardening
  • Kitchen
  • Vegetable Chopper
  • Meat wash
  • Fish Wash
  • Swimming Pool Water Disinfection etc.

House Cleaning may not be the most enjoyable in your day, but a few minutes killing germs can go a long way toward keeping your family healthy.

Our web link www.tiaanostore.in/tclor.aspx  for datasheet and the price.

Contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com


Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLIL5x4UlJM  


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Posted in: Cleaning | Disinfection | hypochlorous | sanitizer | TCLOR

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May 24, 2022 at 12:15 PMadmin

Tiaano ventured and developed an Electrolytic Multipurpose Household Sanitizer Generator (T-CLOR) This is hand held / desk-top, In-Situ sanitizer generator for easy travel. This self-made disinfectant is safe and harmless, can be used in multifunctional household sanitization.  It is named as HOCl or Ionized water or Sterilized water or Neutralized water. HOCl is environment friendly, non-toxic and harmless disinfectant; an organic based and non-chemical disinfectant, produced in 20 minutes by using brine (mix of edible salt, vinegar and tap water) ionization. This can be used as disinfectant in,

  • Potable water
  • Tunnel,
  • Floor,
  • Class Room,
  • Furniture,
  • All kinds of Hospital usage,
  • Gardening, Kitchen,
  • Vegetable Chopper,
  • Meat wash, Fish wash etc.

 The ratio of dilution (PPM) will be varied depends the application.  Also it kills bacteria, which are obstructing the harvesting / growth of plantation / gardening / irrigation.

Water Sanitizer


Our web link www.tiaanostore.in/tclor.aspx  for datasheet and the price.

Contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

Video -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLIL5x4UlJM  


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Posted in: Cleaning | Disinfection | HOCL Solution | hypochlorous | sanitizer | TCLOR

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MMO Coated Mesh Anode for Electro Chemical Process

May 20, 2022 at 2:56 PMadmin

MMO Titanium is generally utilized as an Anode during electrochemical interaction. Titanium has curious properties. It is impervious to the section of current into an electrolyte, however it has low resistivity when a subsequent metal connects with it. In the event that an endeavor is made to involve titanium as an anode in salt water, this protection from the entry of momentum into the electrolyte promptly becomes obvious for a rising anodic ebb and flow is applied to it, the voltage expected to drive the ebb and flow through the surface film ascends until at the most vulnerable focuses the film separates and extraordinary nearby consumption follows.

Electrochemical interaction requires anodes. For the most part Iridium Based or Ruthenium based Titanium Anodes. MMO titanium anodes join the superb electrochemical attributes of MMO with the great consumption characteristics of titanium.

MMO titanium will be titanium that has been covered with an extremely slender layer of MMO, ordinarily by electro disintegration process. The motivation behind it is to give a leading medium that won't respond with electrolytes. Iridium is extremely idle and doesn't promptly respond electrochemically, so you can do some awesome electrochemistry with it. Titanium is utilized on account of its high conductivity and straightforwardness in plating under electro testimony process.



May 17, 2022 at 10:49 AMadmin


Tiaano, a well-equipped in-plant facilitated company experts in Producing, Chemical & Equipments by using inert metals of… Titanium, Tantalum, Platinum, Zirconium, etc. We manufacture Titanium base products. Titanium Rod is an incredibly useful metal that’s used by various industries, including automotive, aerospace and architecture.

Commercially Pure Titanium Rods

Grades 1 to 4 are considered to be Titanium Rod in its purest form. We supply the Titanium Rod in different Grades to accommodate the needs and desires of an array of industries, could you benefit from our stock range?

Grade 1.

When compared to other metallic rods, the Grade 1 Titanium Rod is the softest, most ductile metal that we supply. Having said this, Grade 1 Titanium offers a high level of formability and corrosion resistance, not forgetting impact toughness.

Our Titanium Rods are designed to suit a wide range of applications, including chemical processing, architecture and automotive parts, however, Grade 1 Titanium Rods are also used by the medical industry for surgical implants and equipment.

Grade 2.

Referred to as the commercially pure “workhorse”, Grade 2 Titanium Rods provide useful strength for a vast range of applications. To compare Grade 2 with Grade 1 Titanium, Grade 2 is slightly stronger and offers great weld ability, strength and ductility which ultimately makes it a prime choice of industries.

Grade 2 Titanium rods can be used for similar applications as the Grade 1 ones but is used for power generation, hydro-carbon processing and desalination too.

Grade 4 This Grade of Titanium is Titanium in its strongest form. One of the main reasons why Grade 4 Titanium is so popular is that it provides corrosion resistance and exceptional strength.

Having been discovered by the medical industry, Titanium is used today for medical equipment and implants and this doesn’t just include Titanium Rods! The Titanium Bars and Titanium Sheet come in handy for many different medical applications too.

Alloyed Titanium Rods

Titanium is alloyed with another metal for greater strength. Combining properties of Titanium with other metals will provide a reliable metal that is guaranteed to provide you with the best quality.


 Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: Titanium Rod

Application: Research and Development

Installation at: India


Inspection by: Customer


 Reference Link:-









April 30, 2022 at 11:55 AMadmin


Tiaano, a well-equipped in-plant facilitated company experts in producing, chemical & Engineering equipments by using inert metals of… Titanium, Tantalum, Platinum, Zirconium, etc., We manufacture Titanium base products has peculiar properties. It is resistant to the passage of current into an electrolyte, but it has low resistivity when a second metal makes contact with it. If an attempt is made to use titanium as an anode in salt water, the current into the electrolyte immediately becomes apparent for an increasing anodic current is applied to it, the voltage required to force the current through the surface. Titanium is a chemical element, it can be reduced to produce a lustrous transition metal with a silver color, low density, and high strength, resistant to corrosion in sea water, aqua regia, and chlorine.

As a metal, Titanium is recognized for its high strength-to-weight ratio. Titanium is not as hard as some grades of heat-treated steel; it is non-magnetic and a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Like steel structures, those made from Titanium have a fatigue limit that guarantees longevity in some applications.


Tiaano: Manufacturer, Fabricators, Supplier and Exporter

Product: Titanium Sheet

Application: Electrolytic and Chemical Process.

Installation at: India

Inspection by: Tiaano





Facebook page, Instagram page, twitter page, Printerest page

Reference Link:

https://twitter.com/TiaanoStore; https://www.instagram.com/tiaano_store/



Reference Link: https://www.facebook.com/Tiaano-store  





April 19, 2022 at 9:13 AMadmin


Tiaano ventured and developed an Electrolytic Multipurpose Household sanitizer Generator (T-CLOR)

This is hand held / desk-top, In-Situ sanitizer generator for easy travel. This is self-made disinfectant is safe and harmless, can be used in multifunctional household sanitization, which will produce HOCl / ionized sterilized and neutralized water disinfectant. HOCl is an organic based and non-chemical disinfectant / sanitizer produce all home needs 10 to 20 minutes of brine (mix of edible salt, vinegar and tap water) ionization, HOCl is environment friendly, non-toxic and harmless disinfectant.

This can be used us disinfectant in potable water, Tunnel, Hospital Floor, Class Room, Furniture Clothes, Kitchen, Vegetable Chopper, Gardening, Floor wash etc.. The ratio of dilution (PPM) will be varied depends the application.  Also it kills bacteria, which are obstructing the harvesting / growth of plantation / gardening / irrigation.

Reference Link: www.tiaanostore.in/tclor.aspx; http://www.tiaanostore.in 

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLIL5x4UlJM

APPLICATION: Sanitization

PURPOSE: Multi Purpose sanitization

MOC: Titanium with MMO Coating



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Posted in: Cleaning | Disinfection | HOCL | HOCL Solution | sanitizer | TCLOR | Virues

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MMO Coated Titanium Mesh Anode for Brine Chlorination

April 16, 2022 at 5:50 PMadmin

Tiaano, a complete design and manufacturing the Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) Coated Titanium Anodes and cathodes for the production of Sodium Hypochlorite Generator, On-Site Chlorine Generators, Chlorination Unit and Salt Chlorine

Advantages of MMO (Mixed Metal Oxides) Anodes: MMO anodes having longer life & stable operation, Lightweight and easy to handle, Very minimum maintenance cost, having good electrical conductance and meet a wide range of electrolysis needs. On-site generation is a proven, cost-effective, reliable and safe treatment and bulk sodium hypochlorite disinfection. The Solution destroys all classes of microorganism (Virus / Bacteria / Protozoa).

Project Details for MMO Coated Titanium Mesh Anode:-

Tiaano: Manufacturer, Fabricators, Supplier and Exporter

Anode: Platinized Plated Titanium Mesh Anode and MMO Coated Titanium Anode

Application: Brine Chlorination, Electro Chlorination

Installation at: India

Inspection by: Tiaano

Reference Link: http://tiaano.com/tiaano_electrolysers.htm




Titanium Fasteners for Hard Chrome Plating Industry

April 12, 2022 at 10:47 AMadmin

Titanium Fasteners have tensile strength properties, almost like some high quality classes of carbon steel. The corrosion resistance properties of Titanium Fasteners extend to media such as aqua regia, seawater, and chlorine. In the aerospace industry, the use of titanium nuts and bolts is considered important because the material exhibits good resistance to both exhaustions, as well as cracking.

Project Details:-

Tiaano: Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter

Product Name: Titanium Fasteners (Titanium Bolt and Titanium nut)

Material Grade: 2 

Made from: Grade 2 Titanium Rod

Anode Application: Hard Chrome Plating Industry, Hard Chrome plating bath

Installation at: Raigad, India.

 Inspection by: Tiaano


Titanium Metal Basket – Expanded Mesh basket

April 11, 2022 at 12:03 PMadmin

Titanium is a low density material, which means that it is ideally meant for chemical process applications that require lightweight components. Titanium is an environment friendly and corrosion resistant metal that can be used in aggressive conditions. This eliminates or reduces any type of pollution, metal loss or product contamination.

Advantages of Titanium:-

Titanium is High melting point, High strength, Good toughness, Fatigue resistance, Acid resistance, Alkali corrosion resistance, Low thermal conductivity.

Project Details:-

Tiaano: Manufacturer and Supplier of Titanium Metal mesh Basket

Material Grade: 2 

Type: Expanded Metal Mesh

Anode Application: Hard Chrome Plating Industry, Hard Chrome plating bath

Installation at: Raigad, India.

Inspection by: Tiaano

Titanium basket