HHO - Spare 225 CC

November 29, 2022 at 4:14 PMadmin

Tiaano® do design, manufacturing and installing the HHO…which separates the water into hydrogen gases, by using the DC electric power. HHO makes on demand from the stored distilled water, dozing to the engine through air intake. Once the HHO is in the engine, it helps increase the flame spread during the combustion process, which results in enhancing combustion means fuel burn more efficiently to complete resulting boost the performance.

It helps to...

·         Reduce the carbon emission

·         Fuel consumption

·         Improving mileage

·         Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

·         Increasing engine horse power

·         Cool down the engine while drastically reducing emissions. 

HHO is non-toxic gas and can be used as a supplement to any traditional fuel such as, diesel, petrol (gasoline) heavy oil, acetylene, propane, LPG etc. 

Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: Engine Capacity in 225cc, 

Application: Environment and fuel enhancement 

Model: Tiaano HHO/DD.NS-7

Further more details, please refer our web link...

 http://www.watercar.in/Product.aspx for datasheet and the price.


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Posted in: 225 CC HHO | Auto HHO | HHO | HHO - 150 CC | HHO - 225 CC | HHO-Bike Kit

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November 29, 2022 at 2:34 PMadmin

Tiaano® do design, manufacturing and installing the HHO…which separates the water into hydrogen gases, by using the DC electric power. HHO makes on demand from the stored distilled water, dozing to the engine through air intake. Once the HHO is in the engine, it helps increase the flame spread during the combustion process, which results in enhancing combustion means fuel burn more efficiently to complete resulting boost the performance.

It helps to...

·         Reduce the carbon emission

·         Fuel consumption

·         Improving mileage

·         Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

·         Increasing engine horse power

·         Cool down the engine while drastically reducing emissions. 

HHO is non-toxic gas and can be used as a supplement to any traditional fuel such as, diesel, petrol (gasoline) heavy oil, acetylene, propane, LPG etc. 

Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: Engine Capacity in 225cc, 

Application: Environment and fuel enhancement 

Model: Tiaano HHO/DD.NS-7

Further more details, please refer our web link...


Contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com



oxy hydrogen generator

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Posted in: 225 CC HHO | Auto HHO | HHO - 150 CC | HHO-125 CC Bike | Oxy Hydrogen Kit

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September 10, 2022 at 10:49 AMadmin

Titanium is a familiar metal. Many people know that it is used in jewelry, prosthetics, tennis rackets, goalie masks, scissors, bicycle frames, surgical tools, mobile phones and other high-performance products

One of the biggest advantages of titanium is its strength. Not only is it one of the strongest metals on the planet (rivalling even steel!), it also has the highest strength-to-density ratio of any metallic element on the periodic table. This makes it a popular option in many professions

One of the most abundant elements on Earth, titanium, is being increasingly used in today’s society. It occurs in the minerals limonite, sphere and rutile and is found in titivates and numerous iron ores. As strong as steel but much less dense, titanium is an important alloying agent with many metals such as iron, molybdenum and aluminum.

Tiaano®, a well-equipped in-plant facilitated company experts in producing, chemical & Engineering Equipment’s by using inert metals of… Titanium, Tantalum, Platinum, Zirconium, etc.,

We Tiaano manufacture Titanium based products has peculiar properties. It is resistant to the passage of current into an electrolyte, but it has low resistivity when a second metal makes contact with it. If an attempt is made to use titanium as an anode in salt water, the current into the electrolyte immediately becomes apparent for an increasing anodic current is applied to it, the voltage required to force the current through the surface. Titanium is a chemical element, it can be reduced to produce a lustrous transition metal with a silver color, low density, and high strength, resistant to corrosion in sea water, aqua region, and chlorine.


Project Details:

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd., Chennai

Application: Research & Development

Raw Material: Titanium

Designed by: Tiaano

Installation at: Anna University Chennai

Reference Link:-





Titanium Sheet


August 9, 2022 at 4:46 PMadmin

Tiaano® we are one of the most reputed exporter in all types of metals products. We supply our complete range of standard material to many leading Indian Industries & Abroad.

Zirconium is a metal. It does not easily corrode, which means that it doesn't break down easily when exposed to oxygen or water. This means that it can be used to make many useful objects because we don't have to worry that it will need to be replaced frequently.

Zirconium has such a high melting point, it can be used in manufacturing. Zirconium is added to other metals as a lining for furnaces that reach very high temperatures, and to make crucibles, which are containers in which other metals can be melted.

Zirconium is a One of the major applications of Zirconium is as a corrosion-resistant material of construction for the chemical processing industry. Zirconium exhibits excellent resistance to corrosive attack in most organic and inorganic acids, salt solutions, strong alkalis, and some molten salts. In certain applications of Zirconium, the unique corrosion resistance properties can extend its useful life beyond that of the remainder of the plant. Consequently, maintenance costs are reduced and downtime is minimized. Some of the more important areas in the chemical processing industry where Zirconium is being used…  

  • Reboilers,
  • Evaporators,
  • Tanks,
  • Reactor Vessels,
  • Pumps,
  • Valves nuclear applications,
  • Chemical processing,
  • Reactor vessels,
  • Heat exchangers and more..

zirconium sheet

Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Application: Research and Development

Installation at: Anna University Chennai

Inspection by: Tiaano

License: Scomet License

Reference Link:






Contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

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Posted in: Niobium Sheet | Raw Materials | Titanium Flat | Titanium Plate | Titanium Sheet

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August 1, 2022 at 11:28 AMadmin



Oxy-hydrogen gas is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases produced by water electrolysis that is supposed to increase the efficiency of the internal combustion engines when fed into the air intake. It helps to reduce the carbon emission and fuel consumption. HHO is non-toxic gas and can be used as a supplement to any traditional fuel such as, diesel, petrol (gasoline) heavy oil, acetylene, propane, LPG etc. 

Once the HHO is in the engine, it helps increase the flame spread (quicker and longer) during the combustion process, which results in enhancing combustion, means fuel burn more efficiently and more complete – resulting boost the performance / efficiency by the way of improving mileage, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing engine horse power, cool down the engine while drastically reducing emissions. 


  •          Improve the Mileage
  •          Reduction on fuel consumption
  •          Reduction in exhaust emission
  •          Recovery of Torque & Horsepower
  •          Multi-fold the engine performance

Reference Link:









 Contact us:esurveyor@tiaano.com

 Auto with HHO


July 27, 2022 at 10:10 AMadmin

Tiaano®, a well-equipped in-plant facilitated company experts in producing, chemical & Engineering Equipment’s by using inert metals of… Titanium, Tantalum, Platinum, Zirconium, etc., we manufacture Titanium based products has peculiar properties. It is resistant to the passage of current into an electrolyte, but it has low resistivity when a second metal makes contact with it. If an attempt is made to use titanium as an anode in salt water, the current into the electrolyte immediately becomes apparent for an increasing anodic current is applied to it, the voltage required to force the current through the surface. Titanium is a chemical element, it can be reduced to produce a lustrous transition metal with a silver colour, low density, and high strength, resistant to corrosion in sea water, aqua region, and chlorine.

As a metalTitanium is recognized for its high strength-to-weight ratioTitanium is not as hard as some grades of heat-treated steel; it is non-magnetic and a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Like steel structures, those made from Titanium have a fatigue limit that guarantees longevity in some applications.

Project Details:

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd., Chennai

Application: Research & Development

Raw Material: Titanium

Designed by: Tiaano

Installation at: Anna University Chennai

Reference Link:-





Titanium Sheet


July 25, 2022 at 2:24 PMadmin

Oxy - Hydrogen Generator which separates the water into Hydrogen and Oxygen gases [HHO], using DC electric power. HHO gas on-demand from the stored soft water and dozing into the burning chamber or burner through air intake manifold; helps to reduce the fuel consumption and carbon emission.  HHO is non-toxic gas and can be used as a supplement to any traditional fuel such as, diesel, petrol (gasoline) heavy oil, acetylene, propane etc.   Reduce the carbon emission.

Oxy-Hydrogen (HHO), a non-toxic gas, used as a supplement, fed into the air intake, which ignites in the chamber, resulting burning of fuel residues and carbon deposits to ….

  • Improve the Mileage
  • Recovery of fuel performance
  • Reduction in exhaust emission
  • Recovery of Torque & Horsepower
  • Multi-fold the engine performance

Further more details, please refer our web link...

http://www.watercar.in/Product.aspx for datasheet and the price.

If you have any technical queries, please feel free to contact us at esurveyor@tiaano.com for the immediate assistance.

Our related web links. https://twitter.com/ti_sanitation





July 25, 2022 at 10:09 AMadmin

Tiaano® do design, manufacturing & installing oxy-hydrogen generator (Hydro-Gen), which separates the water into Hydrogen and Oxygen

gases [HHO], using DC electric power.  Oxy Hydrogen makes HHO gas on demand from the stored distilled water and dozing to the engine through air intake manifold, helps to...

  • Reduce the carbon emission
  • Fuel consumption
  • Improving mileage
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Increasing engine horse power
  • Cool down the engine while drastically reducing emissions. 

HHO is non-toxic gas and can be used as a supplement to any traditional fuel such as, diesel, petrol (gasoline) heavy oil, acetylene, propane, LPG etc. 

 Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: Engine Capacity in 900cc, 

Application: Research and Development 

Raw Material: Titanium, Platinum, MMO

Model: Tiaano HHO/DD.NS-30

Installation at: VIT Chennai

Further more details, please refer our web link...


http://www.watercar.in/Product.aspx for datasheet and the price.


HHO Anode

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Posted in: 225 CC HHO | Auto HHO | Carbon emission | Fuel Saver | HHO | HHO - 225 CC | HHO-125 CC Bike

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May 28, 2022 at 4:18 PMadmin

This is hand held / desk-top, In-Situ sanitizer generator for easy travel. This self-made disinfectant is safe and harmless, can be used in multifunctional household sanitization.  It is named as HOCl or Ionized water or Sterilized water or Neutralized water. HOCl is environment friendly, non-toxic and harmless disinfectant; an organic based and non-chemical disinfectant, produced in 20 minutes by using brine (mix of edible salt, vinegar and tap water) ionization.  The ratio of dilution (PPM) will be varied depends the application.  Also it kills bacteria, which are obstructing the harvesting / growth of plantation / gardening / irrigation.

Hypochlorous  is an  electrolyzed water generator. Its cleaning impacts killing microbes and microorganisms have been demonstrated ina wide scope of clinical applications. 

House Cleaning may not be the most enjoyable in your day, but a few minutes killing germs can go a long way toward keeping your family healthy.

Our web link www.tiaanostore.in/tclor.aspx  for datasheet and the price.

Contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLIL5x4UlJM




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Posted in: Cleaning | Disinfection | HOCL Solution | sanitizer | TCLOR

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May 28, 2022 at 12:12 PMadmin

Hypochlorous acid generator is an eco-friendly electrolyzed water generator to produce electrolyzed solution for sterilization through the electrolysis of water and electrolyte. Its sanitizing effects killing bacteria and microorganisms have been proven in a wide range of medical applications. 

Tiaano ventured and developed an Electrolytic Multipurpose Household sanitizer Generator (T-CLOR) This is hand held / desk-top, In-Situ sanitizer generator for easy travel. This self-made disinfectant is safe and harmless, can be used in multifunctional household sanitization.  It is named as HOCl or Ionized water or Sterilized water or Neutralized water. HOCl is environment friendly, non-toxic and harmless disinfectant; an organic based and non-chemical disinfectant, produced in 20 minutes by using brine (mix of edible salt, vinegar and tap water) ionization. This can be used as disinfectant in,

  • Potable Water
  • Tunnel
  • Floor
  • Class Room
  • Furniture
  • All kinds of Hospital usage
  • Gardening
  • Kitchen
  • Vegetable Chopper
  • Meat Wash
  • Fish Wash etc.

The ratio of dilution (PPM) will be varied depends the application.  Also it kills bacteria, which are obstructing the harvesting / growth of plantation / gardening / irrigation.


House Cleaning may not be the most enjoyable in your day, but a few minutes killing germs can go a long way toward keeping your family healthy.

Our web link www.tiaanostore.in/tclor.aspx  for datasheet and the price.

Contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com





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Posted in: HOCL | HOCL Solution | sanitizer | TCLOR | TCLOR Stickers

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