April 22, 2023 at 2:35 PMadmin

Tiaano®ventured and developed an Electrolytic Multipurpose Household sanitizer Generator (T-CLOR) This is hand held / desk-top, In-Situ sanitizer generator for easy travel. This self-made disinfectant is safe and harmless, can be used in multifunctional household sanitization.  It is named as HOCl or Ionized water or Sterilized water or Neutralized water. HOCl is environment friendly, non-toxic and harmless disinfectant; an organic based and non-chemical disinfectant, produced in 20 minutes by using brine (mix of edible salt, vinegar and tap water) ionization.

This can be used as disinfectant in..

  • Potable water
  • Tunnel, Floor
  • Class Room
  • Furniture
  • All kinds of Hospital usage
  • Gardening
  • Kitchen
  • Vegetable Chopper
  • Meat wash
  • Fish wash etc.

The ratio of dilution (PPM) will be varied depends the application.  Also it kills bacteria, which are obstructing the harvesting / growth of plantation / gardening / irrigation.

Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: Oxy-Hydrogen Generator System

Application: Research and Development

Installation at: India

Inspection by: Customer

Reference Link:-





contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

PH: +91 94445699000, 9176883999

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXQL1WZQtCE 



April 22, 2023 at 9:16 AMadmin

 Tiaano®, a well-equipped in-plant facilitated company experts in producing, chemical & Engineering Equipment’s by using inert metals of…Titanium, Tantalum, Niobium, Zirconium, Nickel and their alloys. Tiaano design, manufacturing & installing oxyhydrogen generator (HydroGen), it separates the water into Hydrogen and Oxygen gases [HHO], using DC electric power. HydroGen makes HHO gas on-demand from the stored soft water and dozing into the burning chamber or burner through air intake manifold; helps to reduce the fuel consumption and carbon emission.  HHO is non-toxic gas and can be used as a supplement to any traditional fuel such as, diesel, petrol (gasoline) heavy oil, acetylene, propane etc.  


Improve the Mileage

  • Recovery of fuel performance
  • Reduction in exhaust emission
  • Recovery of Torgue & Horsepower
  • Multi-fold the engine performance

 This is where a lot of variables come into play including engine condition, engine load, fuel used and gas injected. The results varied from 2% to 32%. In marine trials over 20% had been obtained. However the best result we had witnessed in diesel engines. And Gasoline or Petrol engines will give much better results than diesel engines. 

Increasing mileage or reducing the fuel consumption.  HHO will reduce carbon monoxide up to 90%. Carbon monoxide is a fuel and HHO is a catalyst to promote its combustion.  HHO does work as a fuel combustion enhancer. 

Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

 Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: 900 CC Oxy-Hydrogen Generator System

Application: Research and Development

Installation at: India

Inspection by: Customer

Reference Link:-





contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

PH: +91 9444569900, 9176883999


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Posted in: 225 CC HHO | HHO-125 CC Bike | HHO-bike | Oxy Hydrogen | Oxy Hydrogen Kit

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April 15, 2023 at 2:34 PMadmin

Tiaano design, manufacturing & installing oxyhydrogen generator (HydroGen), it separates the water into Hydrogen and Oxygen gases [HHO], using DC electric power. HydroGen makes HHO gas on-demand from the stored soft water and dozing into the burning chamber or burner through air intake manifold; helps to reduce the fuel consumption and carbon emission.  HHO is non-toxic gas and can be used as a supplement to any traditional fuel such as, diesel, petrol (gasoline) heavy oil, acetylene, propane etc.  


  • Improve the Mileage
  • Recovery of fuel performance
  • Reduction in exhaust emission
  • Recovery of Torgue & Horsepower
  • Multi-fold the engine performance

Reference Link:-





 Oxy-Hydrogen Generator

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Posted in: HHO | HHO - 150 CC | HHO - 225 CC | HHO-125 CC Bike | HHO-Bike Kit

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April 15, 2023 at 12:36 PMadmin

Tiaano’s Electrolytic water conditioner [Hardness Breaker] “ScaleX” is breaking the hardness of water by cathodic reaction, and anode oxidation.  It creates mixed oxidants [disinfectant] by using naturally available chlorides in water [zero chemical / zero salt addition] followed by REDOX (Reduction and Oxidation) technology.

 Though the water is not soft at the outlet of the ScaleX, the scale forming ions have  been reduced to a level that prevents the deposition in water distribution system, including piping, taps & fittings, sanitary wares, and all appliances. 

 In this Electrochemical treatment, Ionic state of the water will be converted to molecular state; i.e., the viscosity of water will be reduced, when water passes through the exotic metal cell.  When viscosity reduces, the scale formation properties of the water will be reduced.  Water treated this way acquires the properties of soft water and can dissolve existing scale too.  


  • Increasing the consumption of detergents, soaps and water.
  • Clothes lose their original colour and brightness.
  • Blockage in solar water heating system and plumbing system.
  • Hard scale on expensive taps and fittings.
  • Reducing shine on plumbing and sanitary wares. 
  • Blockage in shower. 
  • Reducing efficiency and life of all water bearing / carrying appliances.
  • Frequent blockage of RO Membrane due to the IONIC state of water.
  • Sticky water leads rough skin and frizzy hair. 
  • Low heat transfer with high fuel cost. 
  • Hampers plant growth and spoils soil fertility.  

Reference Link:-















March 18, 2023 at 3:43 PMadmin

Zirconium Sheets is a versatile material used in a variety of industries. Its high melting point makes it an ideal material for high-temperature applications. Because zirconium is a soft, malleable metal, it can be rolled into thin sheets. In addition, Zirconium Sheets are very resistant to corrosion. Although zirconium is susceptible to corrosion in hydrofluoric acid, the sheet itself is protected from the harmful effects of acids by a nanometre-thick layer of passivation.

Tiaano®, a well-equipped in-plant facilitated company experts in producing, chemical & Engineering Equipment’s by using inert metals of… Titanium, Tantalum, Platinum, Zirconium, etc.,

Another advantage of zirconium sheet over other metals is that it is soft and malleable at room temperature. This makes it easy to work with. Furthermore, zirconium is resistant to corrosion from acids, alkali and seawater. In addition to these advantages, zirconium sheets also have excellent machining properties.

Zirconium is a rare metal with several interesting properties. It is incredibly resistant to corrosion and has a high melting point. This makes zirconium an excellent material for special applications. Its low neutron capture cross-section makes it useful for the nuclear industry.

Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: Zirconium Sheet

Application: Research and Development

Installation at: Anna university Chennai

Inspection by: Customer

Reference Link:-






Contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

Phone: +91 9444569900 / 9176883999


Zirconium Sheet


March 9, 2023 at 3:08 PMadmin

As a metalTitanium is recognized for its high strength-to-weight ratioTitanium is not as hard as some grades of heat-treated steel; it is non-magnetic and a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Like steel structures, those made from Titanium have a fatigue limit that guarantees longevity in some applications. Titanium sheet is a very popular go-to for many products and Chemical Process application. It is used where corrosion resistance is an important criterion. It lends itself to a multitude of products, from fasteners to jewelry also connecting rods. It provides a lighter weight material and higher strength.

Tiaano®, a well-equipped in-plant facilitated company experts in producing, chemical & Engineering Equipment’s by using inert metals of… Titanium, Tantalum, Platinum, Zirconium, etc., we manufacture Titanium based products has peculiar properties. It is resistant to the passage of current into an electrolyte, but it has low resistivity when a second metal makes contact with it. If an attempt is made to use titanium as an anode in salt water, the current into the electrolyte immediately becomes apparent for an increasing anodic current is applied to it, the voltage required to force the current through the surface. Titanium is a chemical element, it can be reduced to produce a lustrous transition metal with a silver color, low density, and high strength, resistant to corrosion in sea water, aqua region, and chlorine.

 Advantages of Titanium

  • Low weight
  • Good current resistance
  • Long operating life
  • Maintenance free
  • Economical
  • High dimensional stability and load resistance
  • Extremely low consumption rate
  • High chemical stability
  • High conductivity

  Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: Grade 2 Titanium Sheet

Application: Research and Development

Installation at: Saveetha Dental College & Hospital

Inspection by: Tiaano

 Reference Link:-





contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

 Phone: +91 9444569900 / 9176883999

  Titanium Sheet


March 9, 2023 at 1:55 PMadmin

Tiaano®, a well-equipped in-plant facilitated company experts in producing, chemical & Engineering Equipment’s by using inert metals of… Titanium, Tantalum, Platinum, Zirconium, etc., we manufacture Titanium based products has peculiar properties.In general, Titanium grade 5 as working material is easy to process. Grade 5 Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) is a common choice for use in demanding applications where a material is needed that can emulate bone-like for biomedical implants or for high temperature structural applications such as the aerospace industry.

Titanium is one of the few materials that naturally match the requirements for implantation in the human body. Among all titanium and its alloys, the mainly used materials in biomedical field are the commercially pure titanium (cp Ti, grade 2) and Ti-6Al-4V (grade 5) alloy.

 Titanium Rod is a very popular go-to for many products and Chemical Process application. It is used where corrosion resistance is an important criterion. It lends itself to a multitude of products, from fasteners to jewelry also connecting rods. It provides a lighter weight material and higher strength.

Advantages of Titanium....

  • Low weight
  • Good current resistance
  • Long operating life
  • Maintenance free
  • Economical
  • High dimensional stability and load resistance
  • Extremely low consumption rate
  • High chemical stability
  • High conductivity

Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: Titanium Grade 5 Rod

Application: Research and Development

Installation at: S R M University Chennai

Inspection by: Customer

Reference Link:-





contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

Phone: +91 9444569900 / 9176883999

 Titanium Rod


March 8, 2023 at 10:35 AMadmin

Tiaano® Make is the best HHO kits because we use Titanium Anodes in the Kit with the MMO Coating. Titanium is the non-corroded material and because of the Metal Oxide Coating on the anode, no need chemicals in future. The warranty for the system is 2 years but it will work for 15 to 25 years because of the Titanium electrode. We can keep the same kit for our vehicles in the life time and move it into the new vehicle. The Electrodes are placed in the transparent shell. By this we can find the water level of the two wheeler kit. In the heavy vehicles, we will provide the level indicator.

Tiaano® do design, manufacturing and installing the HHO…which separates the water into hydrogen gases, by using the DC electric power. HHO makes on demand from the stored distilled water, dozing to the engine through air intake. Once the HHO is in the engine, it helps increase the flame spread during the combustion process, which results in enhancing combustion means fuel burn more efficiently to complete resulting boost the performance.


·         Improve the Mileage

  • Recovery of fuel performance
  • Reduction in exhaust emission
  • Recovery of Torgue & Horsepower
  • Multi-fold the engine performance

Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: Oxy-Hydrogen Generator System

Application: Oxy Hydrogen Production

Installation at: India

Inspection by: Customer

Reference Link:-





contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com


Phone: +91 9444569900 / 9176883999

 oxy hydrogen generator

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Posted in: Auto HHO | Fuel Saver | HHO - 150 CC | HHO - 225 CC | HHO-bike

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February 9, 2023 at 2:52 PMadmin


Tiaanoâ, India is a well-known chemical process equipment manufacturing company, by using electrochemical technology, serving since 1992. It has accomplished many important milestones in the industry. Being a leading manufacturer and exporter; we have secured the ISO 9001, 18001 and the prestigious CE Certifications.

Tiaano, experts in producing, chemical & Engineering equipment’s by using inert metals of… Titanium, Tantalum, Platinum, Zirconium, etc., We manufacture Titanium base products has peculiar properties. It is resistant to the passage of current into an electrolyte, but it has low resistivity when a second metal makes contact with it. If an attempt is made to use titanium as an anode in salt water, the current into the electrolyte immediately becomes apparent for an increasing anodic current is applied to it, the voltage required to force the current through the surface. Titanium is a chemical element, it can be reduced to produce a lustrous transition metal with a silver color, low density, and high strength, resistant to corrosion in sea water, aqua regia, and chlorine.

As a metalTitanium is recognized for its high strength-to-weight ratioTitanium is not as hard as some grades of heat-treated steel; it is non-magnetic and a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Like steel structures, those made from Titanium have a fatigue limit that guarantees longevity in some applications.


Tiaano: Manufacturer, Fabricators, Supplier and Exporter

Product: Titanium Tube

Customer: Amalgam Design Lab Pvt. Ltd.

City: Chennai

Country: India

Application: Electrolytic and Chemical Process.

Installation at: India


Facebook page, Instagram page, twitter page, Pinterest page

Reference Link:





contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

 Phone: +91 9444569900; 9176883999


Titanium Tube


January 13, 2023 at 3:52 PMadmin

 Tiaano® do design, manufacturing and installing the HHO…which separates the water into hydrogen gases, by using the DC electric power. HHO makes on demand from the stored distilled water, dozing to the engine through air intake. Once the HHO is in the engine, it helps increase the flame spread during the combustion process, which results in enhancing combustion means fuel burn more efficiently to complete resulting boost the performance.

It helps to...

·         Reduce the carbon emission

·         Fuel consumption

·         Improving mileage

·         Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

·         Increasing engine horse power

·         Cool down the engine while drastically reducing emissions. 

HHO is non-toxic gas and can be used as a supplement to any traditional fuel such as, diesel, petrol (gasoline) heavy oil, acetylene, propane, LPG etc. 

Tiaano Make is the best HHO kits because we use Titanium Anodes in the Kit with the MMO Coating. Titanium is the non-corroded material and because of the Metal Oxide Coating on the anode, no need chemicals in future. The warranty for the system is 2 years but it will work for 15 to 25 years because of the Titanium electrode. We can keep the same kit for our vehicles in the life time and move it into the new vehicle.

 The Electrodes are placed in the transparent shell. By this we can find the water level of the two wheeler kit. In the heavy vehicles, we will provide the level indicator. By the level indicator, we can find the water level in the tank.

Reference Link:-






Contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com

 Phone: +91 9444569900, 9176883999


Oxy Hydrogen Generator

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Posted in: 225 CC HHO | HHO | HHO - 150 CC | HHO-bike | Oxy Hydrogen | Oxy Hydrogen Kit

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