Titanium has excellent corrosion resistance property, excellent weldability and is used in a wide variety of applications. This grade material is mainly used in marine and chemical industries where the parts are subjected to very harsh environments. Various industries make use of titanium sheet, including: Aerospace, Jet engines, protective assemblies, airframes, and firewalls. Power generation Protective assemblies and firewalls. Automotive cut or stamped engine parts such as wrist pins and springs.
Grade 2 titanium is called the “workhorse” of the commercially pure titanium industry, thanks to its varied usability and wide availability. It shares many of the same qualities as Grade 1 titanium, but it is slightly stronger. Both are equally corrosion resistant. ... Medical industry.
Typical applications for Grade 2 titanium include oil & gas components, reaction and pressure vessels, tubing or piping systems, heat exchangers, liners, flue-gas desulphurization systems and many other industrial components.
Is titanium a good conductor?
The flow of electrons through a metal due to a drop in potential is known as electrical conductivity. Titanium is not a good conductor of electricity. If the conductivity of copper is considered to be 100%, titanium would have a conductivity of 3.1%.
Why is titanium a poor conductor?
Titanium has its outer shell completely filled, but the next one down partially filled. The electrons are somewhat available to share, but are a bit more closely associated with the nucleus. This makes titanium a worse conductor than copper or aluminum.