Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) Slightly Acidic Electrolyzed (SAE) Water

December 24, 2022 at 12:16 PMadmin

HOCl is proven to be safe, environmentally friendly, and fast acting against a broad range of resistant pathogens, including MRSA, M.tuberculosis, Legionella, E.coli, HIV, poliovirus, Helicobacter pylori, the avian influenza virus, and many more. Both FDA and USDA has been approved the Hypochlorous acid for various medical and food uses, EPA has given approval for washing raw foods that are to be consumed without processing.

Tiaano® ventured and developed an HOCl Generator. HOCl is a very powerful disinfectant. This disinfectant can be used for water disinfection, for human and animal consumption as well as for many other applications, like disinfection of food producing facilities, surface disinfection in hospitals and high transit locations, equipment sterilization, medical instrument sterilization, disinfection of meat, fish, and vegetables,  swimming pool disinfection, and waste water disinfection, etc. The ratio of dilution (PPM) will be varied depends the application.  Also it kills bacteria, which are obstructing the harvesting / growth of plantation / gardening / irrigation.

Project Details:-

Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

Brand Name: Tiaano

Type: HOCl Solution

Application: Disinfection

Reference Link:-








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Posted in: Cleaning | Disinfection | HOCL | hypochlorous | sanitizer

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